The commitment and sacrifice of military service are a core part of the foundation of what makes our country great. They speak to a higher calling among our men and women in uniform, who band together to train and prepare each day for the defense of freedom and democracy.
This devotion to American values sometimes comes at tremendous personal costs to those who put their lives on the line. Veterans commonly must confront post-service trauma, depression, disruptions to family dynamics and difficulties reintegrating into the flow of civilian life.
At least 22 U.S. veterans take their own lives each day. They need our help, our compassion and our resources to give back to them what they have given all of us.

This week, Greg Engelsbe Real Estate will be proud to attend the Make 22 Zero Again Charity Golf Classic at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. Golfers play will be followed by the Celebrate Heroes Dinner at Mar-A-Lago.
Proceeds from this event will support 22Zero, a veteran-run mental health organization that utilizes cutting-edge therapeutic practices to treat PTSD symptoms, depression and other impacts of emotional turmoil stemming from experience at war.
Many of the 22Zero’s leaders battled serious mental health crises as they dealt with the long-term effects of trauma. One of their core principles is that PTSD is an injury — one that can heal with the right resiliency skills and emotional management. This can include confronting complex problems like anxiety, fear, anger, sadness and survivor’s guilt.
Far too often, the problems of our veterans are overlooked and poorly understood. This lack of awareness is partly why so many vets feel unable to process their traumas in the context of life back home. It is difficult for them to relate and feel heard. They may feel they have nowhere to turn.
Supporting organizations like 22Zero is an important part of moving the needle forward on the mental health and wellness of our veterans, who have so much to offer our country on the other side of service.
Recognition of the seriousness of this problem is essential to the survival of a legacy that has kept America powerful and safe since its founding. The sum may be greater than its parts, but its not more vital than caring for the needs of every person who puts on a uniform.
About Greg Englesbe.
Gregory Englesbe is an Investment Banker and business leader.
An experienced mortgage banking professional, Greg has secured more $1 billion in servicing throughout his more than 36 years in the residential mortgage business, with assets in national and global real estate.

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/