
Celebrating milestones is key to succeeding in business.

In February I published this article to stress the importance of recognizing and celebrating milestones. Adapting to market conditions is a full-time effort that comes with great risk and even greater rewards if done correctly.

In addition to mortgage servicing and real estate assets, we just reached a new milestone that is worth sharing as we diversify our portfolios to manage risk. We diversify to achieve proper balance between growth and risk. A proper diversified investment strategy can help safeguard against real market volatility by incorporating different asset classes through different industries and market sectors.

Beginning June 2024, our company portfolios consisting of foreign and domestic stocks, cryptocurrencies, bonds, money market accounts, and other asset classes surpassed one billion in value, giving us another cause for celebration.

Original Article:

In today’s fast-paced, competitive business environment, the need to continually adapt to market conditions and stay ahead of the curve often leaves little time to reflect on the things we’ve achieved along the way. But celebrating milestones is important for many reasons.

Too often, business owners get so caught up in the day-to-day hustle that they forget to take a step back and think about how far they’ve come. Taking time to consider where you began and where you are now can be an inspiring exercise that motivates you to reach even greater heights.

Whether it’s launching a new product, reaching a sales goal, or expanding into a new region, celebrating milestones can also do wonders for boosting employee morale. People who feel appreciated and valued are more likely to remain committed to the company’s long-term success. A positive work environment is also key to attracting and retaining talent.

But don’t stop there — it’s also important to let the market know about your success! Publicizing your achievements is one of the best ways to attract new customers and investment in your company. When people see you succeeding, they’ll trust the you can help them succeed as well.

I’ve spent 36 years working in residential real estate, and I continually challenge myself to achieve new goals. But once I reach them, I always take some time to reflect on what’s been accomplished before moving the goalposts. With that being said, I’m proud to share that I just surpassed $2 billion in mortgage servicing and over $500 million in apartments and housing real estate assets.

What started as an idea and a dream many years ago has now turned into a flourishing investment banking operation with real estate assets all around the globe. But our journey didn’t consist of a simple moonshot — there were hundreds of milestones achieved along the way.

Photo by On Shot via Pexels.com